Title: Public Sector Business Cases using the Five Case Model: A Toolkit

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Website

Published: January 1, 2007

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: PPP Cycle ***, PPP Reference Guide *, PPP Online Reference Guide **

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The publication of this Toolkit to the Business Case Production Process will assist all investing organisations in producing their business cases. It will, if used properly, help cut the cost of the consultant support that is often necessary, thus saving money to projects. Almost more importantly, the guidance will help anyone involved with, or overseeing, a project to understand the work that is necessary genuinely to prove a case for investment. This will enable a business case to become what it should be – not a bureaucratic necessity in order to obtain approvals, but a document demonstrating evidence-based decision-making.

This guidance consolidates other reference sources and takes the business case author through the entire process – from SOP to SOC, OBC and FBC. The guide is accompanied by a set of templates, prepared following many years of practical experience within a wide range of public sector organisations. It covers the content, presentation and structure of the business case and the standards which need to be applied

Document Details:

Flanagan, Joe, and Paul Nicholls. 2007. Public Sector Business Cases using the Five Case Model: A toolkit. Westchester, Illinois: Healthcare Financial Management Association. [#4307]

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Updated: June 27, 2022