Title: The Economics of Public-Private Partnerships: A Basic Guide

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Institution

Published: May 4, 2022

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: PPP Reference Guide *, PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Basics ***

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

The Authors provide a summary of what they believe are the main lessons learned from the interplay of experience and the academic literature on PPPs, addressing such key issues as when governments should choose a PPP instead of a conventional provision, how PPPs should be implemented, and the appropriate governance structures for PPPs

Document Details:

Engel, Eduardo, Ronald Fischer, and Alexander Galetovic. 2014. The Economics of Public-Private Partnerships: A Basic Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press. [#2470]

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Updated: July 14, 2022