Title: Public-Private Partnership Development Program (P3DP) in Ukraine

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: December 31, 2015

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Ukraine

Keywords: About PPP **, Knowledge Lab ***

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

This report describes how P3DP activities overcame many challenges, adjusted to a changing environment, and laid a foundation for private sector participation in Ukraine's economy through the creation of PPPs.

Document Details:

When the Public-Private Partnership Development Program (P3DP) launched in October 2010, Ukraine was already suffering from serious economic challenges. During the five-year life of the Program, these challenges only increased: a nationwide social revolution brought the nation to a standstill. Political upheaval led to the ouster of then-President Yanukovich and key government officials, ushering in a new era of reform and a decisive shift towards Europe. Russia’s response – a combination of military and economic measures – deepened the economic crisis. At the end of the Program in December 2015, Ukraine’s economic position remains perilous and its political stability is by no means assured. The new, reformist government faces its greatest challenges since Ukraine achieved independence in 2001.

However, these changes also created new opportunities for PPPs, which the Program was able to tap to successfully accelerate PPP development in Ukraine. The activities and accomplishments of P3DP from inception in October 2010 to closure in December 2015 are summarized in this report.

Updated: April 12, 2022