Title: Recommendation on Public Procurement

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2015

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Procurement

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Procurement

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

Public procurement is a crucial pillar of services delivery for governments. Because of the sheer volume of spending it represents, well governed public procurement can and must play a major role in fostering public sector efficiency and establishing citizens’ trust. Well-designed public procurement systems also contribute to achieving pressing policy goals such as environmental protection, innovation, job creation and the development of small and medium enterprises.

Document Details:

This Recommendation, composed of 12 integrated principles, ensures the strategic and holistic use of public procurement. It is a reference for modernizing procurement systems and can be applied across all levels of government and state owned enterprises. It addresses the entire procurement cycle while integrating public procurement with other elements of strategic governance such as budgeting, financial management and additional forms of services delivery.

Updated: April 12, 2022