Title: PPP Procurement Manual, Cambodia

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2016

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Cambodia

Topic: Procurement

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Procurement

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) is improving the delivery of infrastructure and public services through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), identified, prepared, tendered and implemented in an efficient, fair and transparent manner, a process that will optimize value for money and overall life cycle costs. The objective is to provide additional infrastructure and related facilities to improve the well-being of all Cambodians.

Document Details:

A key purpose of this PPP Procurement Manual is to clarify the implementing rules and regulations to support the provisions of Cambodia’s Law on Concessions (LoC), as amended. This PPP Procurement Manual is issued both to ensure assigned RGC officials, private sector participants and all stakeholders are aware of the Government’s policies on PPP transactions and to provide step-by-step tendering procedures for those public sector officials authorized to perform their important PPP development function. Currently, GCA are carrying out PPP in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; however, after considering the alternatives, the Government decided to adopt the enabling framework to promulgate this interim regulation to specific step-by-step PPP tendering procedures applicable to each approved PPP transaction.

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Updated: March 8, 2022