Title: Vietnam PPP Law - Decree on Public-Private Partnership Investment Form (No. 15/2015/ND-CP)

Languages: English

Published: January 1, 2015

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Vietnam

Keywords: Legal Framework *


Document Summary:

The official translation of the Decree on Public-Private-Partnerships Investment Form (Decree 15/2015/ND-CP) in Vietnam, issued February 2015 and becoming effective on 10 April 2015.

This decree replaces former Decree 71 on PPPs and Decree 108 on BOTs.

Document Details:

The official translation of the Decree on Public-Private-Partnerships Investment Form (Decree 15/2015/ND-CP) in Vietnam, issued February 2015 and becoming effective on 10 April 2015.


This decree replaces former Decree 71 on PPPs and Decree 108 on BOTs.

See PPP Laws/Concessions Laws - Vietnam


Related Information:

PPP/ Concession Laws

Commentary on the PPP Decree (Frontier Law and Advisory)

“New PPP Decree is Released in Vietnam” (Hogan Lovells)


Tracking Reference:

Vietnam_PPP_Law_Decree_PPP_ Investment_Form_2015_EN.pdf

Updated: July 10, 2022