Title: UK National Audit Office Report on the Performance and Management of Hospital PFI Contracts

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2010

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: United Kingdom

Keywords: PPP Project Cycle, Preparation, Request for proposals, PPP Reference Guide *, PPP Basics ***, PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Framework ***


Document Details:


UK National Audit Office

This report is about the performance of the maintenance and support services under the PFI contracts, and how they are managed by the hospital trusts (Trusts). It focuses on the stage of the contract once the buildings are open for use, by which time the choice of using PFI has already been made. The report does not examine the decision to use PFI as a procurement route, the financing or design and construction issues. The report highlights the challenge for Trusts with operational contracts of making the most of the contract and their relationship with the contractors, and ensuring they get the services expected.

The report also focuses on how the Department of Health (Department) supports Trusts in their management of the contracts. The Department devolves delivery of health services to Trusts, as part of a framework of devolved delivery, decision-making, financial incentives and accountability. It is attempting to intervene as little as possible in local delivery and to not direct Trusts nor require information from them superfluously. The report highlights the challenge to the Department of how to balance supporting local delivery with allowing Trusts to manage their affairs.

NAO. 2010a. The Performance and Management of Hospital PFI Contracts. Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General, HC 68. London: National Audit Office. [#2225]

Updated: May 30, 2022