Title: PPP Manual for Local Government Units

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2012

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Philippines

Sectors: Subnational and Municipal

Keywords: Local governments


Document Details:

PPP Manual for Local Government Units (LGUs) - Developing Public-Private Partnerships in Local Infrastructure and Development Projects, Public-Private Partnership Center, 2012.

- Volume 1: Understanding PPP Concepts, and Framework

- Volume 2: Developing Public-Private Partnerships in Local Infrastructure and in Development Projects

- Volume 3: Utilizing LGU PPP Project Templates and Bid Documents


Related Information: 

Mainstreaming Gender in Infrastructure Projects: General Materials

Gender-Responsive PPP Legal Framework

Sub-National and Municipal PPPs

National Government PPP Manual


Tracking Reference: Philippines_PPPs in Local Infrastructure_EN.pdf

Updated: March 24, 2021