Title: Water and Sanitation Sub-Sector Gender Strategy (2010 – 2015)

Languages: English

Published: January 1, 2009

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Uganda

Keywords: Urban transport


Water and Sanitation Sub-Sector Gender Strategy (2010 – 2015)1.62 MB

Document Details:


Water and Sanitation Sub-Sector Gender Strategy (2010 – 2015), Government of Uganda, Ministry of Water and Environment, 2009.


The revised water and sanitation sub-sector gender strategy of Uganda provides guidelines that aim to ensure that appropriate planning and implementation of gender mainstreaming programs, projects and activities at national and local government levels are undertaken in an integrated, consistent and sustainable manner. The goal is to help empower women, men and vulnerable groups by enhancing equity in access and control of resources in the water and sanitation sector, contributing to poverty reduction. The gender strategy encourages the private sector to promote gender equality. It states that the procurement unit will ensure that private sector firms provide gender expertise, by specifying gender in terms of reference (TORs) for contractors for the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of development projects and for sector reviews/studies. 


Related Materials: 

Mainstreaming Gender in the Water Projects

Updated: August 25, 2020