Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)
Country: European Union
Keywords: Financing and Risk Mitigation **
Document Details:
Using EU Funds in PPPs - explaining the how and starting the discussion on the future, European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC), May 2011
The European Commission’s Communication on Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) of 2009 set out a commitment to support the financing of PPPs by introducing new financial engineering instruments. It also indicated that the European Commission (“Commission”) was looking for ways to make the combination of European Union (EU) grants and PPP structures more attractive and accessible. The following note presents the instruments currently available for combining PPPs with EU Funds. It highlights the main challenges involved in blending and offers conclusions.
Related Information:
Government Support in Financing PPPs
Tracking Reference:
EPEC_Using EU Funds in PPP_EN.pdf
Updated: August 25, 2020