Title: Trinidad and Tobago Act No.1 of 2015 (Public Procurement Act)

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 15, 2015

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Trinidad and Tobago

Topics: Procurement

Keywords: Legal Framework *


Document Details:


The Act provides that limited participation method may be applied during procurement proceedings to promote local industry development and local content.

Trinidad and Tobago Act No.1 of 2015 (Public Procurement Act) (art.4&art.28(1))

Art. 4 “local content” means the local value added to goods, works or services measured as the amount of money or percentage of each dollar of expenditure remaining in Trinidad and Tobago after the production of the good or the performance of the work or service; “local industry development” includes those activities that serve to enhance local capacity and competitiveness by involvement and participation of local persons, firms and capital market and knowledge transfer during the conduct of the programme of goods, works or services that are being procured; Art.28(1) A procuring entity may limit participation in procurement proceedings to promote local industry development and local content.

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Updated: August 25, 2020