Title: Tonga Strategic Development Framework 2011-2014

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Laws and Regulations

Published: January 1, 2011

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Tonga

Topic: Legal Framework

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Legal Framework *

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

The Tonga Strategic Development Framework (TSDF) draws on the consultative process for the NSPF and the new debates that have taken place leading up to, and since, the recent elections. By fine tuning the original six national objectives, and adding three new ones recognising the importance of education, improved governance, and a safe and secure society, the present administration has brought the TSDF up to date to current conditions in the Kingdom.

Document Details:

The earlier Strategic Development Plans were appropriate for their time. The format, however, was too detailed and prescriptive to address the range of issues we face. A more strategic and flexible approach is required. This approach was started with the National Strategic Planning Framework (NSPF), approved by the previous administration in 2009/10. The Tonga Strategic Development Framework (TSDF) draws on the consultative process for the NSPF and the new debates that have taken place leading up to, and since, the recent elections. By fine tuning the original six national objectives, and adding three new ones recognising the importance of education, improved governance, and a safe and secure society, the present administration has brought the TSDF up to date to current conditions in the Kingdom.

The TSDF provides the guiding principles and directions to guide the work of the present administration over its four year term. The detailed actions to deliver these strategies are articulated through sector plans, and Ministries’ corporate plans and annual management plans to guide their budget allocations. Ministries will focus on their core functions where they can develop outcomes and outputs that they have the legal obligation to deliver. These are then translated into projects or programme to achieve the outputs. These in turn will contribute to the achievement of the national vision and objectives.

The document starts with the Vision, nine Outcome Objectives and four Enabling Themes. These are then grouped with their respective strategies, of which there are 42 in total. Chapter 1 provides additional information to provide a deeper understanding of the focus of these strategies. Chapter 2 outlines the process for establishing a Monitoring and Evaluation structure to allow us to track progress against each strategy leading up to our objectives and vision. This structure will be complemented by the more detailed monitoring and evaluation of the sector plans, Ministries Annual Management and longer term Corporate Plans, and the annual budgets.

Updated: June 22, 2022