Title: Thimphu Thromde to give parking space with one hand but takes with another

Language: English

Type: Blog/Article

Nature: Website

Published: July 21, 2018

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Bhutan

Keywords: Commercial Value Capture (CVC)

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

Thimphu’s main hope for more parking space for vehicles and reducing traffic congestion are the Thromde’s two Multi level Car Parking (MLCP) projects which are expected to provide additional parking for 550 cars. However, on the other hand the Thromde and to an extent the JDWNRH are also planning to remove a total of 370 existing parking spaces in Norzin Lam, Thromde office area and the JDWNRH. This is not counting around 1,200 new vehicles which enter the city’s traffic systems every year.

Document Details:

Thimphu thromde announced the two MLCPs with the stated aim of reducing congestion and parking. The two MLCP’s was awarded by the Thimphu Thromde to KCR Pvt Limited in 2014.

MLCP I is near Zangtopelri includes design, construction and operation of a multi level car park of at least 350 parking space in an area of approximately 5,400 square meters.

MLCP II parking below IMTRAT includes design, construction and operation of a multi-level car parking of at least 200 vehicles on an area of approximately 3,000 square meters.

Updated: January 6, 2024