Title: From Structures to Services: The Path to Better Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2020

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: About PPP **, Knowledge Lab ***


Document Summary:

The focus of this book is on the infrastructure services that consumers need and demand but that are so often overshadowed by the traditional brick and mortar structures of infrastructure. 

Document Details:

To close its infrastructure gap, Latin America and the Caribbean needs more than investment in new structures. It needs to become more efficient at investing in infrastructure and regulating a new range of services that have the potential to disrupt the energy, transport, and water sectors. The technological revolution makes a future with quality services possible, but not inevitable. This book offers policy options for countries to improve the access, quality, and affordability of services today, to ensure that they will be sustainable in the future, and to harness emerging technological advances for the benefit of all. This report aims to provoke discussion and further research on those many important issues and mark a path that helps the region move from structures to services and improve infrastructure for all.

Updated: April 12, 2022