Title: Service delivery and public-private partnership in Addis Ababa exhibition center and market development enterprise: prospectis and challenges

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2016

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Egypt

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Municipal


Document Summary:

The research aimed at developing practical implications for policy makers and practitioners, who are engaged in assessing possibilities of PPPs, managing PPPs, monitoring PPPs as well as evaluating the status of PPPs in Addis Ababa Exhibition Center and Market Development Enterprise.

Document Details:

Public Private Partnership (PPP) is a public instruments in which the private sector participates in the provision of infrastructure and services. It involves a contract for a private entity to deliver public infrastructure-based services. This study was conducted in Addis Ababa exhibition Center and Market Development Enterprise with the major aim of assessing the challenges and prospects of implementing of PPP in the study area. This study employed crosssectional research design based on descriptive survey that involved collecting, analyzing, interpreting quantitative and qualitative data while conducting the study at a point. In the study, quantitative and qualitative data types were employed. A total of 30 participants were selected through probability and non-probability sampling technique, and 5 officials were interviewed using an in-depth interview tool. In addition to this, surveys of 25 of questionnaire were collected from Addis Ababa exhibition Center and Market development Enterprise organizers. Data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques. The result of the study indicated that status of the infrastructure of the exhibition center and market enterprise is low.

Updated: April 12, 2022