Title: Resource Manual for Airport In-Terminal Concession

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Toolkit

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sector: Transportation

Keywords: PPPs by Sector *, PPPs for Transport **, Concession, Airport

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

Resource Manual for Airport In-Terminal Concession

Document Details:

ACRP Report 54: Resource Manual for Airport In-Terminal Concessions provides guidance on the development and implementation of airport concession programs. The report provides information on the airport concession process; concession goals; potential customers; developing a concession space plan and concession mix; the Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) program; and concession procurement, contracting,

and management practices. Case studies are provided to illustrate key areas. This report will help airport managers understand market potential and implementation requirements for an effective in-terminal concession program while recognizing evolving challenges. This report will serve as a valuable tool for use by airport staff involved in and responsible for the business decisions affecting the development of concession programs and plans. It also

serves as an informational tool for other stakeholders, including but not limited to, airport board members, airlines involved in creating concession programs, and concessionaires. In-terminal concessions are defined as food and beverage, retail, amenities, and services  (e.g., vending, banking, luggage carts, postal services, telephones and wireless communications, advertising, and personal services). 


For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Transport.

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