Title: Public-Private Partnerships for Inclusive Rural Water Supply, Lessons from the Volcanic Region of Rwanda

Contributor: NULL

Languages: English

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Rwanda

Keywords: Sector, Sub-national


Document Details:

Published by capacity.org 13 August 2013

Existing community managed systems in Rwanda suffered from a lack of accountability as well as low technical and administrative skills. This contributed to poor cost recovery and hampered the rehabilitation of water supply infrastructures, leading to many dysfunctional water points. SNV Netherlands Development Organisation facilitated the establishment of public–private partnerships between two public water utilities, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and Aquavirunga, a private company that manages three water schemes. A crucial element of SNV's support was contributing to the capacity development of the local actors involved to enable them participate effectively in the partnerships.

Related Information:

Mainstreaming Gender in Water Projects

Impacts of PPPs on Gender Inclusion

Tracking Reference:



Updated: October 25, 2021