Title: The Public-Private Partnership Law Review - Australia

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2015

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Australia

Keywords: Legal Framework *


Document Details:


The Public-Private Partnership Law Review, Chapter 2: Australia, by David Donnelly, Nicholas Ng and Barton Donaldson, Allens, Law Business Research, The Law Reviews, April 2015


Despite the existence of articles in various law reviews on topics involving public- private partnerships (PPPs) and private finance initiatives (in areas such as projects and construction, real estate, mergers, transfers of concessionaires’ corporate control, special purpose vehicles and government procurement, to name but a few), there is a need for a deeper understanding of how different countries address specific matters on this topic. The comparative study The Public-Private Partnership Law Review aims to fulfil this need. Chapter 2 covers practical aspects and perspectives on PPPs in Australia.


This article was first published in The Public-Private Partnership Law Review - Edition 1 (published in March 2015 – editors Bruno Werneck and Mário Saadi). To download an eBook or PDF version of the entire publication, please visit The Law Reviews


Related Information: 

PPP Laws / Concession Laws


Tracking Reference: 

Australia_PPP Law Review_EN.pdf 

Updated: August 25, 2020