Title: Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Projects: Case Studies from the Republic of Korea

Languages: English

Published: January 1, 2011

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: Korea, Rep.

Keywords: Environmental and social impact assessment, PPP Reference Guide, PPP Online Reference Guide **, PPP Cycle ***


Document Details:

Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Projects: Case Studies from the Republic of Korea, Asian Development Bank (ADB), May 2011. 

The two-volume report was prepared by the Korea Development Institute (KDI) and presents an in-depth assessment of the different components of public-private partnersip (PPP) framework of the Republic of Korea, including comparing and contrasting the success factors of the Korean PPP model with the experience of other countries through invited presentations on PPP frameworks and multisector case studies.

Volume 1: Institutional Arrangements and Performance

Volume 2: Cases of Build-Transfer-Operate Projects for Ports and Build-Transfer-Lease Projects for Education Facilities


Related Information: 

Lessons Learned

PPP Laws Concession Laws


Tracking Reference: Korea_PPP in Infrastructure Projects_Case Studies_EN.pdf

Sanghoon, Ahn. n.d. PPP Legal and Regulatory Framework in Korea. Seoul: Korea Development Institute. [#4462]

Updated: June 6, 2022