Title: PPP in Health Sector - UNECE

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2012

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Contract


Document Details:


A draft discussion paper “A preliminary reflection on the best practice in PPP in healthcare sector: a review of different PPP case studies and experiences” was prepared for the conference ‘PPP in health Manila 2012: developing models, ensuring sustainability: perspectives from Asia and Europe, jointly organized by ADB, WHO and UNECE (23-25 October 2012).

The purpose of the discussion paper is to define PPPs in the health sector, identify best practice / excellence in PPP and then test from some case studies the extent to which PPPs are achieving this, concluding with some recommendations for their wider use.

This discussion paper is the first step in producing the Best practice guide on PPP in Health to be elaborated by the Specialist centre on PPP in healthcare (established in Manila, the Philippines in November 2012).

Updated: August 25, 2020