Title: PPIAF Supports the Development of the New National Infrastructure Agency in Colombia

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: December 1, 2013

Region: Latin America and Caribbean (LAC)

Country: Colombia

Topic: Legal Framework

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Legal Framework *

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Document Summary:

The Republic of Colombia (Colombia) is an upper middle-income country, with a population of approximately 47.7 million people and a GNI per capita of US$6,990 in 2012. Colombia has a stable economy exhibiting an average annual growth rate of 4.7% between 2001 and 2011 and decreasing, one digit inflation since 2001. The Government of Colombia has identified infrastructure as one of the key challenges for Colombia’s development and competitiveness. PPIAF has supported 18 activities in Colombia worth $3.2 million since 2000 in the roads, ports and airports, public transportation, energy, water, and sub-national financing sectors.

Document Details:

In early 2011, the Government of Colombia requested PPIAF assistance to improve the planning, structuring, award, implementation, management, and regulation of road concessions, and strengthen the National Concessions Institute’s (INCO) capacity. Four main products resulted from this technical assistance: a diagnostic of Colombia’s concession program results to date; an assessment of Colombia’s national procurement law and recommendations for a new national concessions law; recommendations for the strengthening of INCO’s capabilities in the structuring, award and regulation of concession contracts; and a review of best practices in PPP/concession agencies.

Updated: July 6, 2022