Title: PPIAF Assitance in Gabon

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: March 1, 2012

Region: Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)

Country: Gabon

Keywords: About PPP **, Knowledge Lab ***

Document Link(s):


Document Summary:

A summary of PPIAF's support to Gabon until 2012.

Document Details:

PPIAF supported the preparation of an infrastructure framework report for the government of Gabon in 2003, with the objective of assessing the legal, regulatory, and institutional framework for private sector participation in infrastructure, and evaluating the potential for private sector investment across the infrastructure sectors. In 2008 PPIAF provided additional support to try to remove bottlenecks to competition in the telecommunications sector through an examination of interconnection issues. PPIAF is currently funding two more activities in Gabon that are ongoing, which are supporting Gabon’s new public- private partnership (PPP) program and the regulatory framework in the electricity sector.

Updated: June 28, 2022