Title: National Government Agency Public-Private Partnership Manual (Draft)

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2014

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Philippines

Keywords: Legal Framework *



National Government Agency Public-Private Partnership Manual (Draft Version)528.08 KB

Document Summary:

National Government Public-Private Partnership Manual, National Government of the Philippines, draft version as of 4 August 2014  - ANNEX 4 of the manual sets out guidelines and procedures for integrating gender considerations in PPP project cycles that are consistent with the gender integration strategies and guidelines of other international lending institutions, such as the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or the World Bank. As part of the social assessment, PPP transactions are, for instance, required to undertake a gender-responsiveness analysis to ensure that the project considers and addresses the needs of both women and men, and that the decision-making process and subsequent implementation of the project puts high priority on gender equality goals. An example of a procedure for a gender analysis for a road project is outlined in Box 1.5 of Volume 1. Guidelines for gender mainstreaming in PPP projects are provided in Annex 4. Table 4.4 of Annex 4 shows the gender-responsive elements or measures that should be integrated in the given phases of the project cycle.

Document Details:

For a complete set of the Public-Private Partnership manual, visit the website.

- Volume 1: PPP Overview, Identification, Selection, Prioritization, Preparation of a PPP Project

- Volume 2: Project Tendering and Negotiations

- Volume 3: Contract Management

- Volume 4: Annexes

Related Information: 

Mainstreaming Gender in Infrastructure Projects

Applying a Gender Lens throughout the PPP Project Cycle

PPP Manual for Local Government Units

Updated: June 13, 2024