Title: Model Concession Agreement for Medical College and Hospital

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2014

Region: East Asia and Pacific (EAP)

Country: India

Keywords: Legal Framework *, Contract


Document Details:


Model concession agreement for medical college and hospital on design, build, develop, finance, operate and transfer (DBDFOT) basis and provide hospital services and medical colleage services (including supply of equipment and staff) to concessionaire's own private patients as well as a minimum of public health funded patients. Developed for use by states for health care provision

Authority is the relevant state.

Authority to provide land for facility and subject to limitations on allowing competing facilities to be built within a certain radius of hospital.

[Authority will pay a grant to reduce financing costs]  Concessionaire to pay a concession fee

Authority to reimburse concessionaire for the costs of the public health funded patients, up to a specified cap.

Arbitration and conciliation - domestic

Standard termination provision and specified handback conditions

Updated: August 25, 2020