Title: Managing PPP Contracts After Financial Close

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2018

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Tools

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Contract


Document Summary:

The reference tool is intended to be user-friendly and interactive, providing guidance to public sector teams around the world responsible for contract management
of PPPs from financial close to handback. It is designed to supplement other resources currently available to help with oversight and governance of PPP projects. It is also designed to help drive enhancements to structural arrangements in the pre-financial close stages of a project, by highlighting some of the most common challenges and issues faced by projects.

Document Details:

Developed by the Global Infrastructure Hub, a G20 initiative, the PPP Contract Management Tool provides guidance for governments in managing PPP projects after financial close, through construction and operations.

The tool highlights lessons learned on some of the common challenges that arise and how they can be addressed, as well as how to avoid some of the common pitfalls.

The data and case studies include new information about the management of PPP contracts, which has informed the guidance set out in the report. The quantitative data is based on a data collection exercise from over 250 projects globally. The case studies focus on lessons learned during the set-up of the contract management team, and throughout the construction and operations phases of PPP projects.

PPP contracts are long-term and complex, and effective contract management throughout their lifespan is essential in ensuring a successful outcome.

Updated: April 6, 2022