Title: Infrastructure Toolkit

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Toolkit

Published: January 1, 2018

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Tools

Keywords: About PPP **, Knowledge Lab ***


Document Summary:

The World Bank Group, together with its development partners, has started to identify what makes a project sustainable, and to codify these characteristics into “standards” or “best practices.” The tools presented here showcase our efforts to empower better decision-making through standardization, and address a wide range of issues along the project-development life cycle.

Document Details:

The development of sustainable infrastructure, whether through public-private partnerships (PPPs) or public procurement, requires a wide range of considerations and decisions to be taken into account. These include understanding the demand for services, setting a price that is affordable for both consumers and governments, and assessing and mitigating the environmental and social impacts of projects. In the case of PPPs, these decisions need to be made while also meeting the expectations of investors, developers, and financiers.

Infrastructure investments are long term and not easily recoverable. Infrastructure services, in turn, often are at risk of becoming monopolies. As a result, long-term sustainability is of utmost importance.

The World Bank Group, together with its development partners, has started to identify what makes a project sustainable, and to codify these characteristics into “standards” or “best practices.” The tools presented here showcase our efforts to empower better decision-making through standardization, and address a wide range of issues along the project-development life cycle. These include:

  • How to prioritize investments in a transparent and justifiable manner

  • How to establish transparent approaches for deciding how to procure a project, based on clear affordability, pricing, and efficiency assessments and assumptions

  • How to assess institutional capacity and project readiness using standard mechanisms

  • How to conduct a robust risk assessment, including valuing and managing contingent liabilities for PPPs and other investments within a fiscal framework

  • How to provide information in a standardized format through common portals

  • How to manage unsolicited proposals using standard approaches

  • How to develop frameworks for disclosure and transparency in PPPs, from service standards to contracts to performance, possibly including standard contract clauses

In some cases, PPPs are the right approach, while in others, they may not be the best way to deliver a particular infrastructure service project. We are committed to the goal of developing the most useful standards that are inspired and informed by stakeholder needs and feedback from regular consultations.

Updated: April 12, 2022