Title: Implementing Facilities Management services through PPPs

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: March 1, 2016

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Topic: Legal Framework

Keywords: Knowledge Lab, Legal Framework


Document Summary:

This document is intended to provide interested governments with information and guidance on the required policy, regulatory and institutional framework in place to facilitate private sector participation in the delivery of FM service through PPPs.

Document Details:

Facilities Management Public-Private Partnerships represent a growing percentage of all PPPs being delivered today worldwide and in Europe. In the sectors of health and education, which are the focus of this policy guidelines paper, the Facilities Management PPP approach has proven viable, with some one-third of all new PPPs being prepared worldwide. And with good reason: both types of ‘social infrastructure’ require dedicated management of the buildings themselves to be treated as assets that must be operated and maintained diligently to ensure their full usable life is attained.

Updated: June 10, 2022