Title: IETA and Founding Partners Announce the Launch of Climate Action Data Trust

Language: English

Type: Blog/Article

Nature: Website

Published: December 7, 2022

Region: South Asia (SA)

Country: Singapore

Topic: Emission Reduction Program

Keywords: Emission Reduction Program **

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Document Summary:

The International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), the World Bank and the Government of Singapore announced the launch of the Climate Action Data Trust (CAD Trust), and that initial integration and connection with several major registries is underway.

Document Details:

The CAD Trust Founding Partners also announced the governance structure and the composition of the CAD Trust Council that will advise and guide the initiative by setting its strategic direction.

CAD Trust was formed by three Founding Partners, IETA, the World Bank and the Singapore Government. It will engage with a variety of governments and public and private organisations to set the specifications for an open-source metadata system to share information about carbon credits and projects across digital platforms, easing future integration of multiple registry systems.

Major registries, along with other national registries and the wider ecosystem of registries will plan to connect to CAD Trust in early 2023, with the first layer of data to be made publicly available at that point. Many of these registries are already represented via the CAD Trust Council, with integration into the data layer already underway for several of them.

Updated: January 16, 2024