Title: Global Guide to Public-Private Partnerships

Languages: English

Type: Document

Published: January 1, 2010

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: Legal Framework *


Document Details:

Prepared by the international law firm Allen & Overy, March 2010.

The purpose of this guide is to raise readers’ awareness of the issues to be addressed in implementing successful public-private partnership (PPP) projects around the world and to show areas of common ground as well as areas of difference in the jurisdictions covered. The guide highlights the key issues private sector participants need to be aware of when engaging in PPP in the countries addressed, provides governmental bodies with an invaluable insight into how and to what extent PPPs are run in other countries and explains the role export credit agencies and multilateral agencies can play in PPP projects. 


Tracking Number: Global Guide to PPP_Allen_Overy_EN.pdf

Updated: March 29, 2021