Title: EPEC Guide to Public-Private Partnerships

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: November 23, 2021

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Keywords: About PPP, Knowledge Lab

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

This Guide to Public-Private Partnerships is published by the European PPP Expertise Centre (EPEC), a Division of the European Investment Bank (EIB). It provides a high-level framework to guide the public-private partnership (PPP) process, and it identifies other authoritative PPP guidance materials, available either online or in print publications, from a wide variety of sources.

Document Details:

The EPEC PPP Guide is primarily intended for public sector officials from European Union Member States who are involved in developing PPP policies or delivering PPP projects. It is recognised that users of the EPEC PPP Guide may find themselves at different stages of decision-making over the life of a PPP project. The following list provides some examples:

  • A contracting authority has identified the need for a new project and is considering whether to use a PPP arrangement for its implementation. The contracting authority needs to compare the PPP option against other available project delivery strategies.

  • A contracting authority wishes to implement a PPP arrangement but the public officials in charge of defining the delivery strategy have not previously been involved in or have little experience of PPP transactions, and would therefore like to understand what is involved.

  • A PPP project is in the implementation phase and the contracting authority is not satisfied with the performance of the project company. The contracting authority wants to understand the options available to remedy the issue and ensure delivery of the service in accordance with the terms of the PPP contract.

  • A government PPP unit is looking to update its PPP project preparation methodology in line with good practice.

Updated: April 12, 2022