Title: Brave new world – the impact of COVID-19 on upcoming and ongoing PPP tenders
Author: Helga van Peer
Language: English
Type: Blog
Nature: Other PPP Reference
Published: January 13, 2021
Region: Global
Country: Global / Non-Specific
Topic: Covid-19 and PPPs, Procurement
Keywords: Covid-19 **, Procurement, Tender process
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Document Summary:
“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because it was a different world then. So which way should we go from here?” – Alice in Wonderland
As we look into this new year, it does indeed bring a new world in many ways. For those of us who work with infrastructure PPPs, there’s a lot to contemplate: What is the impact of the pandemic on upcoming and ongoing PPP tenders? Will the public sector launch more infrastructure projects to support the economy? Or will it redirect resources from infrastructure to health and social sectors? Will the pandemic help optimize award procedures? Is the private sector more eager to participate in tender processes that may result in winning a long-term PPP with a reliable government counterparty? Or will companies shy away from participation in uncertain times? These are all important questions, as a PPP tender requires significant upfront investment with no guarantee of success and limited (if any) compensation for bid costs. More
Document Details:
This blog is managed by the Infrastructure Finance, PPPs & Guarantees Group of the World Bank. Learn more about our work here.
Updated: October 25, 2021
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This is a new section of the Public-Private Partnership Resource Center website and is currently in draft form. Your feedback is welcome: If you would like to comment on the content of this section of the website or if you have suggestions for links or materials that could be included please contact us at ppp@worldbank.org.
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