Title: Australian Interstate Network - Indicative Access Agreement and Access Undertaking

Languages: English

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: Australia

Sectors: Transportation


Document Details:

Australian Interstate Network – Significant parts of the Australian interstate network are managed and operated by the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC).

Indicative Access Agreement – ARTC grants railway operators non-exclusive access to the interstate railway network against the payment of access charges. ARTC is responsible for the infrastructure management as well as the scheduling and control of all train movements. The railway operator must operate trains with authorized rolling stock and in accordance with the train paths scheduled in the agreement. 

ARTC provides information on its website on the current Access Undertaking regarding the management and operation of the interstate network.


For more information about PPPs in the railway sector visit Railways.   



Tracking Number: Australia_Interstate Network_Indicative_Access_Agreement.pdf

                             Australia_Interstate Network_Access_Undertaking.pdf

Updated: March 27, 2021