National Public Private Partnership Guidelines Volume 2: Practitioners’ Guide

These Guidelines form part of a group of national guidelines prepared by the Australian Government in order to develop PPP projects under specific directives. Specially, the Practitioners’ Guide is intended to help the Government to uniformly implement PPP projects.

The Guidelines’ section 13 - Bid Evaluation states that when evaluating the experience of those who expressed interest in a project, the Evaluator should not be “narrowly defined nor over-weighted to the extent that it is a barrier to the development of smaller firms, unnecessarily reducing competition.”

Victorian Industry Participation Policy Act

Through this Act, the Victorian government is mandated to create a policy that promotes and incentivize the participation of small and medium enterprises in public projects and procurement financed or launched partially or wholly by the State. Some of the Act’s objectives are: “promoting employment and business growth by expanding market opportunities for local industry; and providing contractors with increased access to, and raised awareness of, local industry capability”.

Related Information:

Victorian Industry Participation Policy

The Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) was passed as an effort of the Victorian Government to create a flow of work opportunities for the local industries (small and medium enterprises) by giving them the right legal framework to participate in public procurement in an even field. “VIPP requires government departments and agencies to consider competitive local suppliers, including SMEs, when awarding contracts valued at: $1 million or more in regional Victoria, or $3 million or more in metropolitan Melbourne or for state-wide activities.”

Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP) Model Clauses for Request for Tender and Contract documents

These sample provisions are for use by the public sector in tender documents and contracts where the Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP)is applicable. They are not meant to be followed exactly, but to be adjusted according to the needs of the specific circumstances.

The model clauses cover several aspects of in projects such standard VIPP projects or those that have been categorized as strategic by the policy. This document for instance:

Barwon Water Biosolids Management Project - Project Summary

The Barwon Water Biosolids Management Project is delivering a sustainable programme for the treatment and beneficial use of biosolids from the Black Rock Water Reclamation Plant

Tracking Reference: Australia_Barwon Water Biosolids Project Summary_EN.pdf


For further backgroound and the full set of project summary documents, please visit the introductory pages of