Title: Announcement of half-year results for the period to 31 March 2023

Language: English

Type: Website

Nature: Report

Published: June 13, 2023

Region: Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Country: United Kingdom

Topic: Emission Reduction Program

Keywords: Emission Reduction Program **

Document Link(s):

Document Summary:

Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company Plc - Announcement of half-year results for the period to 31 March 2023

Document Details:

Foresight Sustainable Forestry Company Plc ("FSF" or "the Company"), an investment company that invests in UK forestry and afforestation assets, is pleased to announce the publication of its unaudited Interim Results (the "Interim Results") for the period from 30 September 2022 to 31 March 2023.

Updated: January 11, 2024