Title: 2015 Transport Sector Global PPI Update

Language: English

Type: Document

Nature: Report

Published: January 1, 2015

Region: Global

Country: Global / Non-Specific

Sector: Transportation

Keywords: Knowledge Lab ***, Transport


Document Summary:

This report provides 2015 Transport Sector Global PPI1 Update

Document Details:

This sector note covers private participation in infrastructure (PPI) in low and middle income countries in 2015. The following trends stood out in 2015:

  • Total investment in transport projects with private participation in emerging markets was US$69.9 billion, 53 percent above the five-year average of US$45.6 billion.
  • Europe and Central Asia gained the largest share of transport investment, capturing 64 percent of the total with the largest single investment commitment ever recorded in the PPI Database: Turkey’s US$35.6 billion IGA Airport (New International Airport).
  • Other than Europe and Central Asia, all other regions recorded investment below the five-year average. 

Updated: April 7, 2022