Non-Revenue Water Practices

The purpose of the Tool is to:

  • –  Document current NRW Management Practices

  • –  Prepare a quantitative Rating on the completeness and maturity of current NRW Practices – in six Practice Fields

  • –  Identify strengths and weaknesses of the current practices, and priority areas for improvement

  • –  Support preparation of an NRW Plan, Program and Budget

  • –  Identify areas for possible “outsourcing”

  • –  Monitor progress on improvement of Practices

Honduras: Promosas Water

In 2007, the World Bank committed to provide financing to support the modernization of the water sector in Honduras and promote decentralization of water services, through a project called PROMOSAS. The Tegucigalpa Performance Based Contract—to address non-revenue water—was created under this project to help the city’s water public utility to manage twin problems of a deficient water network and severe water deficit. Not only did the World Bank provide funding assistance it also assisted the city in project structuring and executing the tender process.

Contract farming and public–private partnerships in aquaculture: Lessons learned from East African countries

Securing decent work for young people in Africa is critical given the large numbers of young people entering the labour force each year (about 11  million). With few opportunities for formal employment in manufacturing and services, agribusinesses offer young people the opportunity to earn income in rural areas. If others emulate them, there is the potential for positive regional spillovers. One institutional innovation that enables young people to mitigate financial and knowledge handicaps is contract farming.

Course Corrections: How small innovations make a big difference in waste sector PPPs

The adage “Where there’s muck, there’s money” rings ever truer as global municipal solid waste management budgets approach about $375 billion per year. Bringing PPP initiatives into the waste sector has the potential to introduce significant efficiency gains, but requires creative thinking to safeguard the desired outcomes. These examples show how mid-course corrections are critical to an iterative learning process.

Techno-Economical Feasibility of Water Supply Scheme under Public Private Partnership

Maharashtra is Number one state in pollution of rivers according to report published by Ministry of Water Resources. The worst polluted river in the state is ‘Panchganga’ according to report. More than 28 rivers are most polluted river in state. The increasing industrialization along the river are cost and direct entrance chemically polluted water in river flow are the major reasons. Chemical, processing, sugar and related Industries highly contribute to the river water pollution in Maharashtra state.

Thames Tideway Tunnel


Thames Tideway Tunnel is widely considered to be a landmark project and it has received broad recognition for some of its leading features. Some of the project highlights are considered to be:

• An innovative example of a substantive operating utility business contracting out a significant bolt-on project rather than undertaking the project itself.

• Competitive tender process for cost of capital achieved benefits for customers in an uncertain regulatory environment.