Réduire L'eau Non Facturée Dans Le Cadre De Contrats Basés Sur La Performance —Kuala Lumpur, Malaisie

In 1998, Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia, faced a water shortage. Water had been rationed for 5 months. To end this situation, the Ministry of State for Water Supply engaged an operator under a performance-based contract (PBC) with the aim of reducing non-revenue water (NRW).

Vietnam Initial Assessment: Energy Efficiency and Nonrevenue Water

This report is a key analytical study of the project and is centered on addressing the knowledge gaps and providing technological recommendations on EE improvement and NRW reduction to generate positive impacts in the water sector in Vietnam. The main objectives of the report are to expand and disseminate knowledge on issues related to EE in the water and wastewater sectors and to inform the development of the national program for NRW reduction and EE improvement practices in the water sector in Vietnam.

A cluster approach to locally owned and operated safe water stations: Experience & PPP opportunity in Ghana

The Ghana National Policy on PPPs was approved by the Cabinet in June 2011 to encourage the use of PPPs as a means of leveraging public- and private-sector resources and expertise to close the infrastructure gap and deliver efficient public infrastructure and services. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning leads PPP development in Ghana through its Public Investment Division.

Senegal’s Rural Water & Urban Sanitation Sectors Leverage Private Sector Participation to Improve Service


An exciting shift is happening in Senegal’s water and sanitation sectors. Long lauded for its successful urban water Public Private Partnership (PPP), which began in 1996, Senegal is now seeking Private Sector Participation (PSP) in its rural water and urban/peri-urban sanitation sectors.

Partenariats public privé novateurs au service de la durabilité de l’approvisionnement en eau potable en milieu rural

Ce résultat encourageant est le fruit de quatre années d’activités visant à relever les défis auxquels le secteur est confronté. Le Gouvernement béninois par le biais du Ministère de l’Eau (MERPMEDER) a mis en œuvre ces activités en partenariat avec le WSP, l’IFC et l’ambassade des Pays-Bas. Le renforcement de la professionnalisation des services d’approvisionnement en eau dans les petites villes passe par les étapes suivantes :

  • concevoir un modèle de PPP adapté aux réalités locales ;

Senegal shifts its thinking: Rural water delivery moves to private operators

Overnight success takes years, as the saying goes – and that’s certainly the case for the delivery of water to rural regions of Senegal. On July 2, 2015, the Government of Senegal celebrated the signing of its first lease (affermage) contract in the rural water sector, the result of a partnership that marks a significant and promising shift in rural water management for the country. This success in Senegal was years in the making, dating back about 15 years to the start of Senegal’s reform process.

Aumentando el abastecimiento de agua a clientes a través de un contrato basado en el desempeño para la reducción del NRW

En el 2005, la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) no contaba con tenía suficiente suministro de agua para satisfacer la demanda de sus 6 millones de habitantes. Menos de la mitad de la ciudad estaba conectada a la red y más del 40 por ciento del agua producida se estaba perdiendo a través de fugas. El abastecimiento era intermitente.