World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers

Complementing the Regulations are a series of Standard Procurement Documents (SPDs), Guidance, and a set of briefing, training and e-learning materials - all accessible through the World Bank Procurement for Projects and Programs website. 

Procurement in Investment Project Financing : Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, Fourth Edition November 2020.

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The Importance of Managing Unsolicited Proposals in Infrastructure

When the sums involved are big, for example, in large infrastructure projects, transparency in government procurement becomes even more critical. Unsurprisingly, competitive bidding is considered best practice in most countries, not only in the public sector but also for corporations and institutions such as the World Bank Group.

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Unsolicited Proposals

How to Manage Unsolicited Proposals


The United Nation Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) has produced the useful UNCITRAL Legislative Guide 2019. Chapter III, section E of the guide provides guidance on both policies and procedures for dealing with unsolicited proposals and distinguishes between proposals that do or do not require proprietary concepts or technology. 

Public-Private Partnerships Laws / Concession Laws

While guidance and examples can be useful, each PPP/ concession law needs careful drafting to be consistent with the host country's existing laws. Legal draftsmen need to strike a balance between setting ground rules that encourage transparency and imposing general restrictions that may hinder bidding teams from achieving value for money or sensible solutions when bidding out PPP projects.