Bulgaria Regulatory Telecommunications Authority (CRC)

The Communications Regulation Commission is a specialized independent regulatory body that implements the sectoral policy in the field of electronic communications and postal services. In the conditions of equality and transparency, in accordance with the Bulgarian and European legislation, the Commission strives to promote competition on the communications markets in the country. The National Regulatory Authority is working to increase investment in the communications sector, develop new technologies and protect consumers in Bulgaria.

Brunei Regulatory Telecommunications Authority (AITI)

The Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry (AITI) is a statutory body which is responsible for:

  • Telecommunications and radiocommunications regulation
  • Radiofrequency spectrum planning and management
  • ICT industry development

AITI was established on 1 January 2003 by the AITI Order 2001 to function as telecommunications regulator, national radio-frequency spectrum manager and developer of Brunei Darussalam's ICT industry