Pakistan Standard Energy Purchase Agreement - Solar Power

Standard Energy Purchase Agreement of 29 June 2015 relating to a solar powered power generation complex between Seller (private energy company) and Purchaser (Central Power Purchasing Agency (Guarantee) Limited acting on behalf of the former government-owned public utility maintaining power in Pakistan, (Water and Power Development Authority (“WAPDA”) Distribution Companies). 


The program applies for wind energy, solar energy,biomass and small hydroelectric plants and biogas. It includes a “green trust fund” to provide security and confidence to investors. Cammesa(Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico) has published the relevant laws, and bidding documents (including draft PPAs) on its website.

Model Tender for implementation of 500 MW Grid Connected Rooftop SPV

In a RESCO model the bidders intend to take a rooftop owned by some other entity on mutually agreed terms and conditions including lease agreement from the roof top owner(s) and enters into the PPA with a rooftop owner/DISCOM /others for supply of solar power by 25 year at a tariff as per RfS from the date of Commissioning of project. Under the “CAPEX Model” the bidder enters into an agreement with the rooftop owner at the quoted project cost as per RfS for the Scope of work not limited to that indicated in the RfS as per mutually agreed terms and conditions.

Model Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Model Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and Model Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) Agreement

Model Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between Contractor and Government Organization/ PSU and Government Offices for Design, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning including Warranty, Operation & Maintenance of Grid Connected Roof-Top Solar Photovoltaic and Small Solar Power Plants in RESCO model of November 2016

Les PPP dans le domaine de la technologie propre

Dans cette section, le site du PPPLRC met l'accent sur les projets de PPP dédiés à la menace du changement climatique grâce à l’intégration de caractéristiques visant à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et à s’adapter aux impacts de ce changement climatique.

Renewable Energy Toolkits

In this section, you'll find links to toolkits for evaluating and setting up public-private partnerships for renewable energy.