Proposed Draft Model Project Development Agreement (for Hydropower Projects with installed capacity less than 500MW)

Proposed Draft Model Project Development Agreement (for Hydropower Projects with installed capacity less than 500MW) between the Government of Nepal and Project Company. Project Company to develop and execute hydropower project including the transmission line on a Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOT) basis. The Model Project Development Agreement is endorsed and authorized by the Ministry of Energy of Nepal.

Standing Offer Program by BC Hydro

The Standing Offer Program (SOP) encourages the development of small clean or renewable electricity projects (over 100 kW up to and including 15 MW). It offers small-scale clean energy projects in British Columbia the opportunity to enter into energy purchase agreements (EPAs) with BC Hydro. An EPA requires the project developer to sell all energy from the project to BC Hydro for a term of 20 to 40 years commencing on commercial operation date (COD).

The Law of Biomass - A Guide to Business and Legal Issues

As changes in the energy markets and in views on natural resources create a compelling case for renewable and sustainable energy, biomass is emerging as a positive solution. As this industry continues to develop, there are many business and legal issues that are important to developers, investors, lenders, contractors, regulators, and others involved in the biomass energy industry. Recognizing the many related legal challenges in this exciting and expanding industry, Stoel Rives LLP Stoel Rives has created THE LAW OF BIOMASS.

United Kingdom, Wales: Local Energy Toolkit

Online resource prepared by the Welsh Government’s Renewable Energy Support Service. The Local Energy Toolkit has been developed to help community groups take forward the development of renewable energy projects. It is designed to be accessible to people with different levels of understanding of the technology, project development, financial and legal issues. It provides guidance to community groups to develop their project from an initial concept through to construction and operation.