Haiti: Teleco

On April 29, 2010, the Central Bank of Haiti (Banque de la République d’Haïti or BRH) signed an agreement with Vietnam’s largest mobile telephone opera- tor, Viettel, to significantly expand telecommunications services in the earth- quake-ravaged country. The public-private partnership is expected to mod- ernize Teleco, help improve the company’s technical and financial capacities, modernize its infrastructure, and provide new services to its customers.

Output-Based Aid in the Philippines: Improved Access to Water Services for Poor Households in Metro Manila

The delivery of water supply and sewerage services in the Metro Manila region is the responsibility of the govern- ment-owned Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS). Since 1997, MWSS has contracted out provision of services via two 25-year concessions based on a geographic division of the urban area: the east zone was contracted to the Manila Water Company (MWC), and the west zone to Maynilad Water Services (MWSI).

Public-Private Partnership in Telecommunications Infrastructure Projects: Case of the Republic of Congo

Telecommunication is a traditional public sector responsibility that today is more often offered by private sector investors and operators. The scarcity of funding available in public sector, coupled with an increasing demand in the dynamic technology outputs is giving increasing advantage to private firms. Yet the government retains certain critical responsibilities in the sector such as regulation; in some sub-sectors (e.g. broadband), the public sector may continue to have primary investment responsibility due to significant market failures that inhibit private investment.