PPP Unit Uruguay

Corporacion Nacional para el Desarrollo (CND) in Uruguay develop the operational, accounting, and financial management of third party funds, for and on behalf of customers, to facilitate the implementation and realization of specific projects.

PPP Unit Trinidad and Tobago

In 2011 the Ministry of Finance and the Economy established a PPP Unit as part of an initiative to promote public–private partnerships for infrastructure in Trinidad and Tobago.

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PPP Unit Paraguay

The website for the Dirección Nacional de Contrataciones Públicas (DNCP) within the Secretaría Técnica de Planificación de Desarrollo Económico y Social in Paraguay. It provides information on the legal framework for PPPs in the country, a list of approved PPP projects, and all other aspects of PPPs in Paraguay. 

PPP Unit Jamaica

The Development Bank of Jamaica provides opportunities to all Jamaicans to improve their quality of life through development financing, capacity building, public-private partnership and privatisation solutions in keeping with Government policy. It is a wholly owned Government institution and its only shareholder is the Accountant-General.

PPP Unit Honduras

COALIANZA has been operating since 2010, based on the approval of Law Decree No. 143-2010 for promoting PPPs. COALIANZA works as a decentralized agency from the President’s Office, with its own legal status and assets, and is responsible for managing public-private participation in public works and services projects.