Public Procurement and Disposal for Public Private Partnerships Regulations in Kenya, 2009

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It is Kenya specific in that the regulations have been tailored to fit within the constraints of the Public Procurement and Disposal Act, which is an act dealing predominantly with traditional public procurement of works and services contracts made under Public Procurement and Disposal Act 2005.

For more information about this sector, please visit Public–Private Partnerships in Energy and Power.

ToRs for Consultants to Assist in Establishment of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) Unit

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IRT Vehicle

Since the outset of the economic crisis, changes in the economic profiles, the structure of government, and the  social fabric of [COUNTRY] have been dramatic. The country is struggling with these changes to adopt greater democratic practices, as well as more transparent process of decision making and higher levels of public participation in a decision making process. At the same time, GOV has been seeking ways to improve the economic climate and introducing the economy with policy initiatives that will increase investments, create jobs and lift the economic well being of its citizens.

Regulation of the Goods, Services, Works and Concessions Procurement Law - Decree 543 of 2012

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This law promotes SMEs in public procurement. It indicates for example, that SMEs may participate in selection processes through consortiums or different type of associations, and they may receive an advanced payment of 20% of the project to strengthen their economic capacity.

Related Information:

PPP Dictatmen: Congreso Nacional Cámara de Senadores Sesiones Ordinarias de 2016 Orden del Dia Nº 951 Impreso el Día 8 de Noviembre de 2016 - Sumario (PPP Law)

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Sumario : Comisión de Infraestructura, Vivienda y Transporte y de Asuntos Administrativos y Municipales

Dictamen en las modificaciones introducidas por la Honorable Cámara de Diputados al proyecto de ley que le fuera enviado en revisión por el que se crea un régimen de contratación público-privada celebrado entre la administración pública nacional centralizada y descentralizada y sujetos privados. (PE-61/16)