PPP Laws/Concessions Laws - Thailand

Legislation and Laws

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) were formally introduced into the Thai legal framework by Private Participation in State Undertakings Act BE 2535 (1992) (PPSU Act). In 2019 the Public-Private Partnership Act BE 2562 (2019) (New PPP Act) was enacted to replace the PPSU Act.

The New PPP Act in Thailand was passed by the National Legislative Assembly and became effective in March 2019.

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PPP Unit Mongolia

The Invest Mongolia Agency is responsible for the promotion, attraction, and facilitation of productive foreign direct investment into Mongolia. They help international companies establish and build their business in Mongolia.

PPP Unit Lao PDR

The Investment Promotion Department (IPD) is the first stop for providing information on the investment process in Laos. The IPD's primary functions include: promoting Laos as an investment destination, offering investment incentives, screening investment proposals, correcting investment data, and monitoring investment practices.