PPP Governing Board Resolution No. 2018-12-02

This Guidelines aims to prevent delays associated with safeguard concerns in the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) process. These delays arise from some implementing agencies’ limited resources and capacity to review all safeguard laws, decrees, orders, issuances, rules, and regulations requiring integration in infrastructure and development projects, and limited understanding on how the safeguards requirements affect the various phases of delivering a PPP project (development, review and approval, procurement and implementation).

World Bank Group Statement on Evolution Roadmap

The roadmap provides a basis for Management and the Board to exchange preliminary views on priorities for the World Bank Group’s evolution, identify areas for deeper engagement over coming months and a process for reaching consensus, and begin implementation of the Bank Group’s collective reform efforts. 

The roadmap outlines three building blocks of this process:

(i) Review the Bank Group’s Vision and Mission.

(ii) Review the Bank Group’s Operating Model.

WBG Gender Strategy 2024-30

The World Bank will support innovation, financing, and collective action to end gender- based violence, elevate human capital, expand and enable economic opportunities, and engage women as leaders.

Building on implementation of the 2016-2023 Gender Strategy, the new strategy emphasizes six outcomes across three strategic objectives:

First, the new strategy emphasizes six outcomes across three strategic objectives.

Foundational wellbeing: End Gender-based Violence & Elevate Human Capital 

Women, Business and the Law

Women, Business and the Law 2024 is the tenth in a series of annual studies measuring the enabling environment for women’s economic opportunity in 190 economies.

Women, Business and the Law updates its index of eight indicators, structured around women’s interactions with the law as they begin, progress through, and end their careers: Mobility, Workplace, Pay, Marriage, Parenthood, Entrepreneurship, Assets, and Pension.

Women, Business and the Law 2024 introduces a new framework for measuring the implementation gap across three pillars:

Gender PPP Toolkit

The purpose of this toolkit is to help governments and upstream advisors, PPP practitioners, multilateral development banks (MDBs), and private sector stakeholders mainstream gender considerations in infrastructure PPPs. In this toolkit, ‘gender’ is defined in a binary format (women and girls; men and boys) and does not consider all gender identities.

Case Study: Inclusive Infrastructure and Social Equity

Lessons Learned

Success factors

Reducing the electricity access connection fee is the key success factor. The baseline study of willingness to pay was conducted at the planning stage, early enough to influence the overall project design and to determine an affordable fee. As a result, the Government of Kenya lowered the price by almost 60% for certain households and provides a loan package to finance the upfront cost.

Gender, Infrastructure and Poverty Reduction: Tools and other Key Resources

Bridge is a specialized gender and development research and information service at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), in the United Kingdom. It is committed to making multilingual gender knowledge accessible outside the research community and to building bridges and dialogue between researchers, policy-makers and practitioners.


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