Delivering Water Supply and Sanitation Services in Fragile States: Professionalizing drinking water service delivery in small towns of Haiti

Brault, Jean-Martin, Zael Sanz Uriarte, and Bruno Julien Le Bansais. 2015. Delivering Water Supply and Sanitation Services in Fragile States: Professionalizing drinking water service delivery in small towns of Haiti. Water and Sanitation Program Field Note. Washington, DC: World Bank Group. [#4388]

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Myanmar: Telecommunications Reform

The Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Myanmar) is one of the largest and poorest countries in the South East Asian region. The country recently emerged out of 60 years of conflict with run-down infrastructure from years of civil unrest. The government has embarked on a long-term transition from an authoritarian military system to democratic governance; from a centrally directed economy to market oriented reforms; and from years of strife to peace.

The State of Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships in Countries Affected by Fragility, Conflict or Weak Institutions

Fragility, conflict, violence, and weak institutions are critical development challenges that haveaffected many countries. Using a set of outcome indicators, a total of 61 countries have beenidentified for this paper as an “Expanded list of Fragile and Conflict-Affected States.”