Afghanistan: DABS Kandahar

Afghanistan’s national power utility, Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), is responsible for providing power generation, transmission, and distribution services across the coun- try. Following its incorporation in 2008, DABS struggled to provide sustainable service, particularly in the south of Afghanistan. To help address this, DABS hired IFC as the lead advisor on a performance-based public-private partnership (PPP) for one of its regional divisions. The PPP agreement was signed in August 2014.

Peru: Electrolima

In 1992, the newly elected government inherited a bankrupt economy and embarked on an aggressive economic development program. Power sector reform was an integral part of the agenda. Given it’s inefficiency and financial losses, state-owned Electrolima, Peru’s second largest electricity generator and Lima’s largest distributor, was an obvious candidate for privatization. IFC acted as adviser to the government for the transaction and Electrolima was successfully privatized in two transactions in 1994 and 1995.

Panama: IRHE

IFC advised the government of Panama on the privatization of its electricity genera- tion and distribution companies created from the restructuring of its vertically-inte- grated utility, IRHE. The privatization resulted in an immediate private capital inflow of $600 million and 10 percent reduction in retail tariffs, as well as more than $1 billion in private investment in the privatized companies. The transaction was com- pleted in 1999.

International Gas Trade-The Bolivia-Brazil Gas Pipeline

Many prospective international gas pipeline projects are under consideration-projects in Central and South Asia, and projects proposing pipelines from Russia to China and from Turkey to Eastern Europe. Given the large investments required, the main challenge is to design financing schemes that work. There are few blueprints to draw on. The World Bank can play a key transitional role in such projects. But there needs to be demonstrable commitment to opening the natural gas industry to competition and private investment and estab- lishing sound regulatory and pricing policies.

Public-Private Partnership Options for Future Power Generation in Montenegro

Montenegro has a number of good opportunities for the development of domestic resources for electricity generation. In the Government’s Energy Strategy and Action Plan, it has set out a programme for development that encompasses a range of projects from large-scale hydro and thermal projects to smaller scale renewable energy projects. This programme calls for significant participation by the private sector in generation investment over the coming decade and beyond.

Kosovo: Electricity Distribution

The government of Kosovo faced serious problems in its power sector. The lack of a reliable supply of electricity was causing hardship to its population and was a major stumbling block to investment and economic growth. The state-owned distribution company, Kosovo Electricity Distribution and Supply (KEDS), was losing over €20 mil- lion annually through technical losses and low collection rates. It was then that the government of Kosovo turned to IFC to privatize KEDS, which would allow a private investor to modernize its system.

Armenia Travels the Bumpy Road to All-Day Electricity Supply: How Perseverance Pays off in Power Sector Reform

The Soviet Union’s collapse left Armenia with a fragment of a power system, never meant to function as a stand-alone grid. Plants were built to run on fuel imported from thousands of miles away, from neighbors that, without the Soviet Union, could not offer certainty of supply or terms that Armenia could afford.

Albania: Hydropower Privatization

In September 2008, the government signed a 35-year concession with Verbund (Austria’s largest electricity company) to build and operate a new hydropower plant. Over a threeyear period, the project mobilized $262 million in private investment, increased Albania’s power generation capacity by 53 megawatts, and delivered improved services for 170,000 people. Construction of the plant began in January 2010 and became fully operational in March 2013.