World Energy Transitions Outlook 2022

In Paris in 2015, signatories to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change agreed to pursue efforts to try to limit the rise in global temperatures by 2050 to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The World Energy Transitions Outlook presents a pathway to that goal, one that decarbonises all end uses, with electrification and energy efficiency as primary drivers, enabled by renewables, green hydrogen and sustainable modern bioenergy.

Model RFP & Concession Agreement for Waste to Compressed Bio Gas Project

The India Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, to form a partnership to promote investment in the waste management sector in India. Through this partnership, IFC assisted MoHUA in preparing a model concession agreement (MCA) and a model request for proposal (RFP, together the Model Documents) for use by urban local bodies (ULBs) for development of waste to bio-methanation projects in India.

The objective of the Model Documents is to:

Model RFP & Concession Agreement for Waste to Electricity Project

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, to form a partnership to promote investment in the waste management sector in India. Through this partnership, IFC assisted MoHUA in preparing a model concession agreement (MCA) and a model request for proposal (RFP, together the Model Documents) for use by urban local bodies (ULBs) for development of waste to electricity projects in India.

The objective of the Model Documents is to:

Singapore's Energy Story

As energy demand grows with increasing electrification, demand management will be a key pillar in supporting the energy transition. EMA will continue to encourage energy efficiency in the industry and households, and is concurrently developing other demand management initiatives.

How Singapore is powering its sustainable energy vision

Commercial buildings and industrial complexes use 80 per cent of Singapore’s electricity. Helping these buildings save every bit of electricity counts.

SP Digital has partnered Changi Airport and Nanyang Technological University to pilot smart meters that monitor energy use. These meters flag sudden spikes - which may be a sign of leaks - and have helped the airport cut operational costs significantly.

Liberia: Amended Contract for the Liberian Electricity Company (LEC)

The brief explains how the IFC in coordination with other development partners, helped to bring private sector participation into the power sector in Liberia by structuring a partnership between the government of Liberia and a private partner. As there was a lack of market appetite for a fully private option, in April 2010, IFC concluded the design and tendering of a five-year management contract for the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC), the electricity utility in the capital city of Monrovia.