Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and Energy Purchase Agreements (EPAs)

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) secures the payment stream for a Build-Own Transfer (BOT) or concession project for an independent power plant (IPP). It is between the purchaser "offtaker" (often a state-owned electricity utility) and a privately owned power producer.  The PPA outlined here is not appropriate for electricity sold on the world spot markets (see Deregulated Electricity Markets below). This summary is focused on a base load thermal plant (the issues would differ slightly for mid-range or peaking thermal or hydro plants).

Leases and Affermage Contracts

Leases and affermage contracts are generally public-private sector arrangements under which the private operator is responsible for operating and maintaining the utility but not for financing the investment.

Management/Operation and Maintenance Contracts

Management contracts and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) contracts are contracts governing a type of public-private partnership (PPP) agreement. This section explains key features of this type of arrangement, provides sample contracts, bidding documents and checklists.

Civil Works and Service Contracts

Utilities commonly source goods and services from private sector third parties, whether to purchase spare parts or stationery, or to procure civil works such as laying pipes or cables. Utilities may also contract out a particular service, such as customer service.

PPP Arrangements / Types of Public-Private Partnership Agreements

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) take a wide range of forms varying in the extent of involvement of and risk taken by the private party. The terms of a PPP are typically set out in a contract or agreement to outline the responsibilities of each party and clearly allocate risk. The graph below depicts the spectrum of PPP agreements *.

For a summary of each type of arrangement and sample agreements, see: